Which Discworld book will be crowned champion?

“The thing about football – the important thing about football – is that it is not just about football.”
― Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals

The game has ended and “Equal Rites” has been crowned winner of the Discworld Cup 2022, although “Mort” gave them a run for their money. Did you predict the result?

Thanks for playing along. Until next time, football Discworld fans!


Groups Knockouts
Filter by book: All books
  • All books
  • Equal Rites
  • The Last Continent
  • Wyrd Sisters
  • Pyramids
  • Snuff
  • Men At Arms
  • Lords and Ladies
  • Unseen Academicals
  • Small Gods
  • Moving Pictures
  • The Light Fantastic
  • Mort
  • Carpe Jugulum
  • Interesting Times
  • Reaper Man
  • Making Money
  • Raising Steam
  • Jingo
  • The Fifth Elephant
  • Night Watch
  • Going Postal
  • Guards! Guards!
  • The Colour of Magic
  • Witches Abroad
  • Maskerade
  • Soul Music
  • Sourcery
  • The Truth
  • Thud!
  • Thief of Time
  • Feet of Clay
  • Monstrous Regiment

Group Round

Qatar QAT More
The Colour of Magic
0 - 2  (FT)
Moving Pictures
Ecuador ECU More
England ENG More
The Light Fantastic
6 - 2  (FT)
Reaper Man
Iran IRN More
Senegal SEN More
0 - 2  (FT)
Night Watch
Netherlands NED More
Feet of Clay
1 - 1  (FT)
Monstrous Regiment
Wales WAL More
Argentina ARG More
Equal Rites
1 - 2  (FT)
Witches Abroad
Saudi Arabia KSA More
Denmark DEN More
Small Gods
0 - 0  (FT)
Tunisia TUN More
Mexico MEX More
0 - 0  (FT)
Going Postal
Poland POL More
France FRA More
4 - 1  (FT)
The Last Continent
Australia AUS More
Morocco MAR More
The Fifth Elephant
0 - 0  (FT)
Unseen Academicals
Croatia CRO More
Germany GER More
Carpe Jugulum
1 - 2  (FT)
Making Money
Japan JPN More
Spain ESP More
7 - 0  (FT)
Lords and Ladies
Costa Rica CRC More
Belgium BEL More
Wyrd Sisters
1 - 0  (FT)
Men At Arms
Canada CAN More
Switzerland SUI More
The Truth
1 - 0  (FT)
Cameroon CMR More
Uruguay URU More
Thief of Time
0 - 0  (FT)
Raising Steam
Korea Republic KOR More
Portugal POR More
Guards! Guards!
3 - 2  (FT)
Interesting Times
Ghana GHA More
Brazil BRA More
2 - 0  (FT)
Soul Music
Serbia SRB More
Wales WAL More
Monstrous Regiment
0 - 2  (FT)
Reaper Man
Iran IRN More
Qatar QAT More
The Colour of Magic
1 - 3  (FT)
Senegal SEN More
Netherlands NED More
Night Watch
1 - 1  (FT)
Moving Pictures
Ecuador ECU More
England ENG More
The Light Fantastic
0 - 0  (FT)
Feet of Clay
Tunisia TUN More
0 - 1  (FT)
The Last Continent
Australia AUS More
Poland POL More
Going Postal
2 - 0  (FT)
Witches Abroad
Saudi Arabia KSA More
France FRA More
2 - 1  (FT)
Small Gods
Denmark DEN More
Argentina ARG More
Equal Rites
2 - 0  (FT)
Mexico MEX More
Japan JPN More
Making Money
0 - 1  (FT)
Lords and Ladies
Costa Rica CRC More
Belgium BEL More
Wyrd Sisters
0 - 2  (FT)
The Fifth Elephant
Morocco MAR More
Croatia CRO More
Unseen Academicals
4 - 1  (FT)
Men At Arms
Canada CAN More
Spain ESP More
1 - 1  (FT)
Carpe Jugulum
Germany GER More
Cameroon CMR More
3 - 3  (FT)
Soul Music
Serbia SRB More
Korea Republic KOR More
Raising Steam
2 - 3  (FT)
Interesting Times
Ghana GHA More
Brazil BRA More
1 - 0  (FT)
The Truth
Switzerland SUI More
Portugal POR More
Guards! Guards!
2 - 0  (FT)
Thief of Time
Uruguay URU More
Netherlands NED More
Night Watch
2 - 0  (FT)
The Colour of Magic
Qatar QAT More
Ecuador ECU More
Moving Pictures
1 - 2  (FT)
Senegal SEN More
Wales WAL More
Monstrous Regiment
0 - 3  (FT)
The Light Fantastic
England ENG More
Iran IRN More
Reaper Man
0 - 1  (FT)
Feet of Clay
Australia AUS More
The Last Continent
1 - 0  (FT)
Small Gods
Denmark DEN More
Tunisia TUN More
1 - 0  (FT)
France FRA More
Poland POL More
Going Postal
0 - 2  (FT)
Equal Rites
Argentina ARG More
Saudi Arabia KSA More
Witches Abroad
1 - 2  (FT)
Mexico MEX More
Croatia CRO More
Unseen Academicals
0 - 0  (FT)
Wyrd Sisters
Belgium BEL More
Canada CAN More
Men At Arms
1 - 2  (FT)
The Fifth Elephant
Morocco MAR More
Japan JPN More
Making Money
2 - 1  (FT)
Spain ESP More
Costa Rica CRC More
Lords and Ladies
2 - 4  (FT)
Carpe Jugulum
Germany GER More
Ghana GHA More
Interesting Times
0 - 2  (FT)
Thief of Time
Uruguay URU More
Korea Republic KOR More
Raising Steam
2 - 1  (FT)
Guards! Guards!
Portugal POR More
Serbia SRB More
Soul Music
2 - 3  (FT)
The Truth
Switzerland SUI More
Cameroon CMR More
1 - 0  (FT)
Brazil BRA More

Last 16

Netherlands NED More
Night Watch
3 - 1
Feet of Clay
Argentina ARG More
Equal Rites
2 - 1
The Last Continent
Australia AUS More
France FRA More
3 - 1
Going Postal
Poland POL More
England ENG More
The Light Fantastic
3 - 0
Senegal SEN More
Japan JPN More
Making Money
1 - 3
Unseen Academicals
Croatia CRO More
Brazil BRA More
4 - 1
Raising Steam
Korea Republic KOR More
Morocco MAR More
The Fifth Elephant
3 - 0
Spain ESP More
Portugal POR More
Guards! Guards!
6 - 1
The Truth
Switzerland SUI More

Quarter Finals

Netherlands NED More
Night Watch
3 - 4
Equal Rites
Argentina ARG More
Croatia CRO More
Unseen Academicals
4 - 2
Brazil BRA More
England ENG More
The Light Fantastic
1 - 2
France FRA More
Morocco MAR More
The Fifth Elephant
1 - 0
Guards! Guards!
Portugal POR More

Semi Finals

Argentina ARG More
Equal Rites
3 - 0
Unseen Academicals
Croatia CRO More
France FRA More
2 - 0
The Fifth Elephant
Morocco MAR More

Play-off for 3rd Place

Croatia CRO More
Unseen Academicals
2 - 1
The Fifth Elephant
Morocco MAR More


Argentina ARG More
Equal Rites
4 - 2
France FRA More

Explore the groups


Football according to Terry Pratchett

– All taken from Unseen Academicals



“The thing about football – the important thing about football – is that it is not just about football.”

“‘I would like permission to fetch a note from my mother, sir’”

“We play and are played and the best we can hope for is to do it with style.”

“It is considered in the Sto Plains that only scoundrels know the second verse of their national anthem, since anyone spending time memorizing that would be up to no good purpose.”

“It’s the sharing,” she said. “It’s being part of the crowd. It’s chanting together. It’s all of it. the whole thing.”

“My ladsh,” said Swithin, “are the besht there ish. It’sh not their fault they’re up againsht better people.”

“The strength of the player is the team and the strength of the team is the player.”

“We are going to stick to the rules. And the thing about sticking to the rules is that it’s sometimes better than cheating.”

“Football is very much like diplomacy: short periods of fighting followed by long periods of negotiation.”

“Wizards were competitive. It was part of wizardry. Wizards have no more idea of a friendly game than cats have of a friendly mouse.”

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