There are too many heroes already in the world, but there is only one Rincewind.
‘May you live in interesting times’ is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld, especially on the distinctly unmagical Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life and can’t even spell wizard.
So when a request for a Great Wizzard arrives in Ankh-Morpork, via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it’s the endlessly unlucky Rincewind who’s sent as emissary. The oldest (and most heavily fortified) empire on the Disc is in turmoil, and Chaos is building. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the ensuing war and wholesale bloodletting.
There are too many heroes already in the world, but there is only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible.
The Discworld novels can be read in any order but Interesting Times is the fifth book in the Wizards series.
‘May you live in interesting times’ is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld, especially on the distinctly unmagical Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life and can’t even spell wizard.
So when a request for a Great Wizzard arrives in Ankh-Morpork, via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it’s the endlessly unlucky Rincewind who’s sent as emissary. The oldest (and most heavily fortified) empire on the Disc is in turmoil, and Chaos is building. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the ensuing war and wholesale bloodletting.
There are too many heroes already in the world, but there is only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible.
The Discworld novels can be read in any order but Interesting Times is the fifth book in the Wizards series.
‘May you live in interesting times’ is the worst thing one can wish on a citizen of Discworld, especially on the distinctly unmagical Rincewind, who has had far too much perilous excitement in his life and can’t even spell wizard.
So when a request for a Great Wizzard arrives in Ankh-Morpork, via carrier albatross from the faraway Counterweight Continent, it’s the endlessly unlucky Rincewind who’s sent as emissary. The oldest (and most heavily fortified) empire on the Disc is in turmoil, and Chaos is building. And, for some incomprehensible reason, someone believes Rincewind will have a mythic role in the ensuing war and wholesale bloodletting.
There are too many heroes already in the world, but there is only one Rincewind. And he owes it to the world to keep that one alive for as long as possible.
The Discworld novels can be read in any order but Interesting Times is the fifth book in the Wizards series.
‘Pratchett uses his other world to hold up a distorting mirror to our own . . . he is a satirist of enormous talent.’
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